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By Craig Spihlman & Victoria Vogt —
Consider the Cycle of Summer Annuals as Winter Wears On
Annual planting beds provide the explosion of color that can make the difference between an adequate landscape and a truly exceptional display of nature. But you may ask, why we would post an article on Summer annuals in the dead of winter? At Focal Pointe it is a year-round project to enhance our clients’ properties with the most dramatic impact from annual planting beds. For example, we’ve just completed the ordering process for most of the summer annuals that we’ll plant this spring. Ordering is just one phase of a continuous annual cycle.
Ordering – Focal Pointe works with growers that provide consistently high-quality healthy plants. We place orders with our growers in December and January, so we have healthy thriving plants of the desired variety and quantity ready for our customers’ property at the optimum time to transplant.
Preparation – As soon as weather and ground temperatures permit our crews are on-site preparing the soil to receive the annuals. We ensure that proper nutrition and organic material is available to make an ideal growing medium for the varieties that will soon make a home in each site.
Planting – When air and soil temperatures are right and the threat of damaging freeze and frost has passed, Focal Pointe crews fan out across our service area to install the juvenile plants. Propper planting depth and spacing ensure that each plant is given the best opportunity to thrive.
Nurture – As plantings are established proper amounts of nutrients and moisture are applied. Rogue weeds are removed, damaging insects are eliminated and fertility is applied on regular schedules.
Observe – Account Managers, Gardeners, Horticulturists, Landscape Professionals – everyone on the Focal Pointe team keeps watch on annual plantings for signs that our selected varieties are standing up to any environmental stress.
Evaluate – As annuals reach their peak and we prepare for the next season the performance of new varieties, as well as long-standing favorites, are judged. Teams from different properties discuss wins and losses, the good, the bad, and the challenges presented over the season. This collaborative process is critical as teams arrive at the next phase in the cycle.
Plan and Design
Plan & Design – With the facts gathered during the evaluation phase in hand our teams consult with clients. We talk to growers and breeders about the season’s top performers and learn about new varieties that have been introduced. Then we work with our Landscape Designers and develop plans that complete the cycle as we prepare to place orders for the coming spring.
We’ve ordered more than 40,000 individual plants in a variety of container sizes with well over 100 different varieties. These plants will enhance properties at entrances, around signage, and in planters in ways that reflect the values of those we serve. It’s cold and blustery now but we’re already imagining warm sunny spring days when we can plant, nurture and observe the dramatic beds of color that we’ve planned for months in advance.
At Focal Pointe we take pride in our reputation for providing exceptional displays of seasonal color on our clients’ properties. While it is part of our commitment to serving our customers and communities, we also find tremendous joy in the beauty of annual flowers and the cycles of nature.